Historical Context 2018
During three days, the Village of Torre de Moncorvo will breathe the Medieval Age, reattaching us to a lively dialogue with the memories that come to us from the environment lived in the rural space of the XIII century.
Son of King Afonso III and Queen Beatriz de Castela, King Dinis was acclaimed in Lisbon in 1279, to begin a long reign of 46 years.
With the defined borders, King Dinis continued important measures to affirm the king's authority, with the construction of castles, the encouragement of the settlement and the economical exploitation of some regions.
Economical development was also one of King Dinis' concerns, encouraging agricultural production, mining and domestic trade (creating numerous fairs, for example). Following this logic is also the promotion of actions directed to populate the territory and the attribution of various chart´s, assigning one chart to the town of Torre de Moncorvo on the 12nd April, 1285.
In the Middle Ages, fairs were one of the most important points of economic organization.
It is the annual market day in Moncorvo. In these days the streets are filled with people from all over the kingdom. Merchants and outsiders bring new life to these cold lands, and at the Square “Largo da Ferraria” there is no lack of heat. The iron business is the highlight of these days; trading and exchanging is everyone's goal.
Moncorvo and Iron have always been closely related since the man began to mine the land. The great quality extracted iron was recognized in all the corners of the World and in many commerce routes. This precious possession was coveted by several peoples for many centuries, leading the King to grant unique privileges to the people who worked it in these lands. The fame of this asset went beyond the borders of the kingdom leading many merchants to come to Torre de Moncorvo bringing with them many other products, other cultures and other traditions.
The King Dinis Time Iron Route is the theme to be portrayed in this 2018 edition, theatrical approach will focus on the people and cultures that crossed the streets and squares of this town, the exchange of culture, gastronomy and commerce will be highlighted in the various interventions over the three days.
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